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UN - 75 HR - Universality - Indivisibility - Knowldge - CRPD - Right - Forced displacement - Survival - Political illness

UN - 75 HR - Universality - Indivisibility - Knowldge - CRPD - Right - Forced displacement - Survival - Political illness

Increase knowledges of the universality and indivisibility of human rights. Central theme of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights






The day of December 10, 1948 marked the day when humanity in all its diversity set its sights on a new life supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with its 30 articles and principles1 designed to lay the foundations for the organization of human society in its aspirations for sustainable forms of protection and life, especially for the oppressed and those subjected to the most extreme forms of dehumanization.

This year, December 10, 2023, we welcome the 75th under a central theme: Increasing knowledge of the universality and indivisibility of human rights
2 in a context characterized by high-intensity attacks on what remains of these basic rights to survival for sections of populations out of all proportion, drawn into spirals of violence and interminable wars and ecological crises, generating forced displacements of millions of people within and beyond borders to have even the slightest chance, real or supposed or supposed, of survival. Those who take the risk of crossing the seas and oceans are partly drowned in the depths of the sea to be devoured by fish of various sizes, while the survivors are housed in administrative detention centers, known as CRAs in France, and in the ever-growing Centres de Permanence avant Rapatriement (CPAs) in Italy3.


Instant reports from the fronts of destruction of the right to life in Africa : Sudan, Somalia and elsewhere have become classic in their persistence. While in the Middle East, extreme violence inflicted on civilian populations, especially those living under confinement since 2005 in the Gaza Strip, has reduced existence to the improbable, condemned to disappear under the rubble or attempt the absolute impossible: to flee elsewhere, but with no chance of success. They wait every second for the violent destruction of their lives.


The same is true in Europe, with the Ukraine being torn apart by actors in control of death machines programmed to force millions of people to flee wherever there is a chance of survival.


We have to admit the involuntary displacement of civilians on both sides of the conflict, carrying their belongings, children and cats, looking for places they can't find to give themselves a chance of survival, with the traumas and psychological and mental instability caused by incessant bombardment, turning and the spread of diseases reported by United Nations agencies.
of survivors into lifelong physical and psychosocial handicapped people, with cruel deprivation of basic care and food, exposed to real threats of starvation and the spread of diseases reported by United Nations agencies

In the first case, these populations are "welcomed" with extreme, even violent hostility, fueled by the ideology of the great replacement and anti-poors with its strong and unpleasant emanations5 supported by circles of obscure obedience, openly declared ethnicist, without taking a close look to understand that the great replacement is already a powerful reality with real risks of human erasure, identified in the introduction of so-called Artificial Intelligence that the OHCHR had reminded that this emerging technology must be anchored in human rights6.

In the second case, benevolence is a perceptible constant at all scales of communication, justified by forms of proximity over-dimensioned on a continuum of domestic order.


In the face of this gigantic spectacle of mass murder and the transformation of human beings into human animals by ideological mechanisms, it is urgent for the entire human community, in all its diversity, to be reminded of the universality and indivisibility of human rights, to undo the conditions for the return of the ideologies of deportation, imprisonment and mass extermination, which are part of the macabre logic of this new world order of international rules, through mechanisms that neutralize international law, symptomatic forms of chronic political illness.

If the international day of December 10, 2023 is eclipsed by the disturbing horizons of the will of the powerful to render human rights a signifier without a signified, the principle of being in this world imposes a collective awareness not to give in to their disdain and contempt.


The same applies to the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on December 13, 2006 by the United Nations General Assembly7 during its sixty-first session, in resolution A/RES/61/106 . It is potentially a universal frame of reference for all policies and actions in the world of disability, based on human rights and breaking with the paternalistic, pathologizing paradigm. 80% of this convention has been drafted by the people concerned, with a view to promoting their rights and recognizing them as subjects and actors in all the decision-making processes that affect their lives and their support8.

That the two events are taken as a whole to guarantee the basic conditions for a decent life for all human beings, whatever their anthropological references !




Key words : UN - 75 HR - Universality - Indivisibility - Knowldge - CRPD - Right - Forced displacement - Survival - Political illness






Data and references





1. La Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. https://www.un.org/fr/universal-declaration-human-rights/

4. L'ONU et la crise au Proche-Orient. (12 décembre 2023). https://unric.org/fr/onu-et-la-crise-au-proche-orient-gaza/

5. Thomas Piketty : « L’idéologie anti-pauvres finit par conduire à une dégradation générale de la qualité du service public ». https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2023/12/09/thomas-piketty-l-ideologie-antipauvres-finit-par-conduire-a-une-degradation-generale-de-la-qualite-du-service-public_6204794_3232.html

6. Artificial intelligence must be grounded in human rights, says High Commissioner. https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2023/07/artificial-intelligence-must-be-grounded-human-rights-says-high-commissioner. (12 July 2023)

8. Observations préliminaires de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur les droits des personnes handicapées, Mme Catalina Devandas-Aguilar au cours de sa visite en France, du 3 au 13 octobre 2017. https://www.ohchr.org/FR/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=22245&LangID=F

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