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Violence - Meaning - Mistreatment - Rignt - UNO - Psychiatry - Women - Homicide - CRPD

Violence - Meaning - Mistreatment - Rignt - UNO - Psychiatry - Women - Homicide - CRPD

From the significance of November 25, 1960, to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


In memory of Nathalie (1970-2014)

Victims of psychiatric and socio-judicial violence in Aix-en-Provence and all victims of physical, psychic, social, economic and psychiatric violence




"Don't underestimate your ability to do what you think is important". Stéphane Hessel (2010).



General overview

On November 25, 1960, María Teresa, Minerva and Patria Mirabal, three sisters from Salcedo, Dominican Republic, were savagely killed after opposing the regime of the tyrant Trujillo. The spirit of these three sisters transcends borders, and their dedication to the ideals of justice and freedom is inspiring. Is it necessary to know whether the issue was bigger than them to get them to endorse it, or was it they who exceeded it? Did they think that through their unconstrained commitment, they had written and signed in deed a chapter of transformation of a history that had long remained conservative in its narratives and actors?


The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women on December 20, 19931.
On December 17, 1999, by its resolution 54-134, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed November 25
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
25 November
. The date was chosen following the brutal assassination of three Mirabal sisters, fighters against the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic on November 25, 19602. The spirit of these three sisters transcends borders, and their dedication to the ideals of justice and freedom is inspiring. Is it necessary to know if the issue that was at stake was beyond them for them to endorse it or was it they who were overcoming it?


This year, which is coming to a hard end, is characterized by the amplification of "legal" forms of violence on a planetary scale under the cover of the Covid-19 pandemic, generating new behaviors imposed in the name of a so-called sanitary security totally destructive of a life already weakened by the logics of the world-system3. A health extremism maintained to serve other unadmitted objectives. Another parallel pandemic developing during this real or supposed crisis, notoriously manifest in its consequences on the lives of women and girls subjected to psychiatric constraints and systemic abuse of the logic of guardianship and trusteeship, required to accompany autonomy.

Psychiatric violence against women


The Truth and Justice for Nathalie collective joins the actions of the United Nations and collectives truly committed to actions for equality, respect, justice and dignity. It continues to denounce, in a spirit of warning, the willful ignorance of the basic rights of women victims of both the machinations of the psychiatric system and the deprivation of their human identity in the name of protection. It always happens that their identity is reduced to a system of false designation, of schizophrenic, bipolar, mentally disturbed, "incapable", etc., and that they are not entitled to the same rights. The two logics combine perfectly to entrain the victims, willingly or unwillingly, into tunnels that inevitably lead to the hells of everyday life in a system that crushes any initiative to contest or, nevertheless, to think that one exists. Thinking is treated as delirium and mental disorder, if not illness. It is "psychiatric proof" that takes on the level of the sacred in a perfected game of nonsense and turpitudes sustained in a furtive operation whose name has totally misplaced meanings: diagnosis. An imposture of incommensurable size strongly domesticated in the system of social and collective representations.


It challenges all individual and collective sensitivities on the conditions of dehumanization and the cruel forms of psychiatric violence inflicted on women in France and the dispossession of their rights as subjects, through the monstrous mechanisms of guardianship and trusteeship in the name of a fictitious "legal protection", or even complicity in such violence.

The involvement of the Collective in the process and procedures of inviting the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD)4 to France from October 3 to 13, 2017 was part of an awareness of the real danger to which women in situations of psychological and social vulnerability are exposed daily. This is perceptible in the total violation of their rights and human dignity, characterized by procedures of internment and confinement in psychiatric hospitals in a violent silence from everyone, and the deprivation of their natural right, family and social rights. Nathalie's case is edifying. It was communicated to her directly by the collective during her visit and her meeting with the people concerned in Marseille on October 8, 20175.


The facts are indisputable that it is not necessary to be intelligent enough to understand how the mechanisms of the production of this systematic violence work in a State that claims to be governed by the rule of law and how they are trivialized with almost total indifference despite the incessant reminders of the principles of human rights and the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which France signed on March 30, 2007, ratified on February 18, 2010 and entered into force on March 20, 2010. Unfortunately, it remains a meaningless signifier.


The process culminating in the destruction of Nathalie in Aix-en-Provence on January 31, 2014 at the age of 43 is symptomatic of the forms of institutional violence against women guilty of being vulnerable and guilty of having trusted their right State. This is not an isolated case or a "trick" that is the result of a dysfunction or coordination of one service or another, but it is a case that is part of an overall meaning of a growing inhumanity that characterizes the functioning of institutional logics in this society.


The collective truth is justice for Nathalie has taken profound steps in the preparation of a parallel report, focusing on the forms of psychiatric abuse and dispossession inflicted on women in France, as part of the submission to the twelfth meeting of the Pre-sessional Working Group of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, September 23-27, 2019. It participated directly and actively in the presentation of his report at the session of the review of France on September 23, 2019 in Geneva at the Palais des Nations Unies6.



These are not isolated cases


The fatal case of Florence, victim of abuse, disorganization or neglect, pulverized by psychiatry on March 14, 2004 at the age of 28 years7. A homicide by negligence and incompetence.

Also, the unthinkable is there in France, Sylvie, a young woman of 33 years old, fragile, found dead on April 27, 2016 at home from hunger with her dog. Dead for several weeks, even months. And yet, she was placed under guardianship, under "legal protection of adults". Most likely under psychiatric mistreatment8.


These are not isolated cases to clear oneself of these organized criminal practices in the name of "care" and "protection", but they are practices that are part of the logic of the constant macabre in the sense defined by André Antibi (1988)9.



Stand up and rupture


The collective regularly receives calls for help and intervention from several women and mothers, finding themselves helpless in the face of the complexity of the forms of violence exercised by actors from psychiatric institutions, and those from the legal protection system, delegated in its functions to corrupt and failing associations each time they claim basic rights. He has demonstrated his availability day and night in their support and accompaniment, especially during the measures of general confinement on March 17, 2020.


The fight against violence against women who have been weakened and dehumanized by the psychiatric system and its obsolete but complicit consequences, deserves a true collective commitment that breaks with the dominant ideologies and the paradigms of connivance that are visible in the storytelling of mental health ideologues and their auxiliaries. Mental processes, and intelligence for that matter, are very important qualities to be entrusted to the speculators of this ideology and to the producers of drug prescriptions and neuroleptics to confine neurons, whose disastrous consequences on global health are certainly irreversible and irreparable. According to Gøtzsche (2020)10, neuroleptics are highly toxic and are probably the deadliest of all psychiatric drugs (p.53).


However, it is quite simply legitimate to wonder how it is that psychiatrists are not tired of being themselves and that their assistants, against the background of the triumph of the absurd, have perfectly succeeded in swallowing the lies without any worries. Forcing a pregnant woman into psychiatric hospitalization with impositions of neuroleptics and all sorts of psychotropic drugs until the last second of her survival, and proceeding to the kidnapping of her child directly after birth for "mental disorders" linked to pregnancy and concocting without her knowledge a placement under curatorship for "maternal incapacity", which was the case of Nathalie and surely others, is a real hold-up operation on life and the right to live. And yet, actors in the psychiatric sphere who claim to act for "recovery" do not disarm to prevent the emergence of this case, notoriously manifest in direct messages and e-mails. As an example: "And your burden filled with guilt and anger over Nathalie's death must be able to be deposited somewhere. Maybe a ritual needs to be done". A perfect model of participation in crime supported by the entire superstructure of this society. A crime against humanity.


M'hamed EL Yagoubi


Truth and Justice for Nathalie Collective





Basic references


1. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. (1993). (Consulté 25/11/2020). http://www.un-documents.net/a48r104.htm


2. 25 novembre 1960: Trois sœurs contre une dictature.(2020). (Consulté 25/11.2020). https://blogs.mediapart.fr/jean-marc-b/blog/211120/25-novembre-1960-trois-soeurs-contre-une-dictature


3. Immanuel Wallerstein. (2006). Comprendre le monde. Introduction à l'analyse des système-monde. Éditions La Découverte.


4. Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées. (Consulté 25/11/2020). https://www.ohchr.org/FR/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/ConventionRightsPersonsWithDisabilities.aspx


5. Observations préliminaires de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur les droits des personnes handicapées, Mme Catalina Devandas-Aguilar au cours de sa visite en France, du 3 au 13 octobre 2017. (2017). (Consulté 25/11/2020). https://www.ohchr.org/FR/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=22245&LangID=F


6. Submission to the twelfth meeting of the Pre-sessional Working Group of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,  CRPD-OHCHR. 23-27 September 2019. Collective Truth and Justcie for Nathalie (Consulté 25 novembre 2020). https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=INT%2fCRPD%2fICO%2fFRA%2f35724&Lang=en


7. Homicide par négligence et incompétence. (2015). (Consulté 25/11/2020). https://www.forumpsy.net/t934-l-affaire-florence-edaine-decedee-a-l-hopital-psychiatrique-roger-prevot-de-moisselles-95


8. Homicide par négligence et incompétence. (2015). (Consulté 25/11/2020). https://www.forumpsy.net/t934-l-affaire-florence-edaine-decedee-a-l-hopital-psychiatrique-roger-prevot-de-moisselles-9


9. André Antibi. (2003). La constante macabre ou comment a-t-on découragé des générations d'élèves ? Éditeur : Math'Adore Toulouse.


10. Peter C. Gøtzsche. (2020). Kit de survie en santé mentale et sevrage des médicaments psychiatriques. Institut pour la liberté scientifique. Danemark. Traduction. http://depsychiatriser.blogspot.com/


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